Ashleigh McManus
Club President
Ashleigh was introduced to Triathlon as part of a team doing our very ownRelay Wild event after coming from a swimming background. She immediatelycaught the bug, bought a road bike about 3 days after the event and started havingfun and competing. Being an active coach of a Swim club and with a few yearsTriathlon experience Ashleigh hopped right into her level 2 Triathlon coachingqualification in 2019 and the British Triathlon High Performing Coach (Level 3) in 2022.

John Thouless
Club Secretary
After taking 48 coached lessons before he could swim in his younger years, and removing the stabilisers from his bike at some ancient age, John decided it was time to join his local tri club! His favourite discipline is cycling, having recently treated himself to a ‘proper bike’, and his least favourite is running, especially when it follows a long swim and bike ride!
He claims to “enjoy” (???) taking part in half iron man events, “at a leisurely pace”!! He completed his first half in 2020, and is working on improving his personal best. In addition to the coaching, John enjoys the camaraderie of being in the Club.

Nigel Bruce
Rugby was my sport in my early years, and represented Scottish Universities, then Currie RFC in Scottish Premiership. I took up Triathlon in 2015, and joined Perth Tri Club. Following excellent Club coaching and training sessions and I have competed in many events from 'Try a Tri' up to Half Ironman. I'm now living in Isle of Harris, and planning to train for and complete a full Ironman in the future.
Jo Connell
Social Media Secretary
I was talked into joining PTC by a friend with no intention of ever doing a triathlon, I just enjoyed the training aspect and gettingfit and healthy! There was never any pressure to do a race...however, 6 months in and I took part in my first triathlon in Edinburgh as part of a team on New Year's Day and thereafter took part in numerous sprints as part of a team and some solo events.
In August 2021 I did my first solo middle distance taking part in Starman Night Triathlon in Aviemore.
The club is very encouraging and I have made some great friends through the club and i have been a member for around 5 years now.
Anyone at any age can do triathlon if your willing to put in the training.

Annie McHugh
Welfare Officer
Perth Triathlon Club has given me the inspiration and camaraderie I needed to come back into training after a number of years at the forefront of motherhood.
After success in the discipline of canoe slalom, (GB number 11 if you are interested), I tried a bit of triathlon, where I found the change in focus from all out skill and speed over a fast course to the longer multi-discipline event, challenging.
My least favourite discipline is cycling, where I truly despair, however I do love swimming and running and successfully completed the Aberfeldy Middle Distance Triathlon in 2021. I swim regularly at the club swim sessions and during the summer months stretch out the kilometres in the discipline of Open Water swimming, I am under no pretence that cold water is anything but cold, but I have set a challenge of swimming 10km in an event next year.

Shona McKay
Membership Secretary
I have been a member of the club for a number of years now and have enjoyed making new friends as well as training and taking part in sprint triathlons up to now. I am planning to do my first standard triathlon this year. As the membership secretary I look forward to speaking with and welcoming new members to the club.

Ben Hammond
Ben did a bit of weightlifting at university, but almost no other sport for the subsequent 20 years,
Until he moved with his family to Perth and discovered the triathlon club as a counterpoint to both
working from home, and encroaching middle age.
He raced the shorter races, culminating with an Aberfeldy Middle Distance time just over 6 hours.
A few weeks after that his daughter was born, and he not raced since. However, he has entered the triathlonX lake district Half Distance for 2023, and is thoroughly intimidated by the bike leg